A doula is a trained medical or non-medical professional who provides mental, emotional, and physical support during labor. The training can range from a one-day class to multiple months with a list of requirements to complete as well. Certifications are available but they are not required. Some doulas are experts during birth, others during the postpartum period. Most patients form a therapeutic, trusting relationship with their doulas during pregnancy.

I became aware of doulas while working as a Labor and Delivery nurse. To be transparent, I admit to being ignorant and unappreciated of the skill set they brought to the table. I worked under the Medical Model of Care, where care was routine. We had at least two patients most of the time, possibly both requiring continuous monitoring. Rarely did we have patients who desired natural childbirth and educated themselves in all that entailed. It was difficult, sometimes impossible, to be everything our patients needed. Doulas provide constant support, physically and emotionally, for the birthing person. It seems that the patients with doulas are more prepared for natural childbirth and have fewer interventions, such as Pitocin or epidurals.
SN: One of the most beautiful deliveries I’ve ever been a part of consisted of a couple who had desired natural childbirth and researched non-medical coping methods. They were successful in their childbirth plan. In this instance, I considered the patient’s husband to be her doula. He was her physical and emotional support person. They contributed their successful outcome to a book they read together titled HypnoBirthing: The Mongan Method. You can find this book on Amazon.
Every woman deserves a doula!! Whether they are trained professionals or loving partners, support is imperative to the process.